Här var jag igår på min sjalstickning, närmare bestämt det sista räta varvet runt kanterna innan i-cordavslutningen. Och att sticka en i-cord runt hela härligheten lär ju ta en stund:) Sen är ju allt slutarbete kvar att göra. Du vet, sy i alla trådar, tvätta och blocka:)
This is the point of where I had reached on my shawl knitting yesterday. It's the last round of the edges, well the last one before the I-cord edge. And knitting an I-cord edge around this shawl, may take some time. And after that I have the finishing left to do. You know, sewing in all ends, wash and block:)
En I-cordkant runt den där tar nog en stund, det har du rätt i, men så snyggt det kommer att bli! Jag hejar på!
Posted by: Marika | 07/09/2023 at 07:42 em
Jag tror det:) Förhoppningsvis:) Tack:)
Posted by: heidi | 07/09/2023 at 08:23 em
Nearing the finish line, that icord edge will finish it off really well
Posted by: Jeanette | 07/10/2023 at 03:50 fm
Yes, I am. I’m tempted to write ”at last”, but knitting a shawl this way, makes it feel like it almost knitted itself:)
Yes, Sosu is a very talented designer, and an I-cord edge is just sheer perfection:)
Posted by: heidi | 07/10/2023 at 09:58 fm